The Douglas County Clerk’s Office is deploying a tool called Ballot Scout, a service that allows voters and election staff to track the delivery and receipt of mail-in ballots through the

CJCC Hub【特推福利】免费v2ray节点链接共享2021年4月最新资源 | 林 ...:2021-4-1 · 4月到来,特为大家推出最新免费v2ray节点链接,此节点为最新可用节点,亲测有效,此具有时效性,先到先得。如需长期获取有效ssr、v2节点可打赏进群获取,群内各种越墙工具和资源应有尽有。本站所有节点均为提供大家日常使用,仅供学习研究,请勿作为非法用途,最新免费资源得来不易,请 ...

Coronavirus Response Hub - Information, maps and resources about the coronavirus response in our local area.
Registration is now open for the Virtual 2023 Douglas County Behavioral Health Prevention Summit, July 27-August 7. A session will be held each weekday from noon to 1 p.m.
Douglas County Commissioners set the 2021 county budget for publication during a public meeting July 9. They recommended a budget of $125.5 million with a flat mill levy of 46.430 mills.
Building upon Douglas County’s use of the Unified Command structure to lead a comprehensive COVID-19 pandemic response, local government, health, education and business leaders will partn
The State of Kansas received $1.034 billion from the federal Coronavirus Relief Fund.
Route 1055 (East 1500 Road) — from Route 458 (North 1000 Road) to North 1175 Road — will be closed to through traffic beginning Monday, June 15, weather permitting, for construction of a
The Douglas County Clerk’s office will offer advance voting July 15-Aug.
Douglas County is scheduled to receive $24.9 million in federal funding from the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act in July.
Nonprofit agencies providing housing, health and human services are key stakeholders in preventing and protecting against COVID-19 in Douglas County.
Route 1055 from west of East 1700 Road to North 790 Road will be closed to through traffic beginning Monday, July 20, weather permitting, for a road project. The project includes reconst


Douglas County Modifies Public Meeting Procedures until further notice:
To Be Announced
To Be Announced
To Be Announced
To Be Announced